My Services

Healing Birth Trauma

Healing Birth Trauma

Having a baby is a big deal and is different for everyone.

You may go into the experience feeling positive, with a dream of how you want the outcome to be and for some it can go pretty much to plan and for others not at all, they can be left with a mixture of many different feelings.

There may be some good ones but many mama’s feel like the not so good ones have left a dark shadow over their experience. Feelings like guilt, anxiety, grief, confusion, feeling numb or heavy, having flashbacks, or replaying how they felt out of control, or left asking themselves why did it go the way that it did, for some it can feel like a big painful confusing mess.

Birthing your baby and how that experience was for you can have such an impact on you and your whole family so acknowledging your birth story is important. 

Becoming a mother is a right of passage and is not talked about enough. Your not the same person, for some it can feel confusing and unsettling.

When your emotions and experiences are unprocessed or integrated they can stay within you and play havoc on your mental health, even your own unhealed past early experiences can get activated during this time.

What I know to be true is, that you did the best that you could with what was presenting at the time, all parents want the best for their baby and family.

It’s never too early or too late to heal your birth experience. There is a way through, showing up and giving to yourself then allows you to have more resources when you need to be there for others.

In a session I hold a safe space for you to unpack and process your feelings and help make sense of your experience. You will learn new tools and self-care practices that will support you to feel more resourced, regulated and move forward in your life.

Your baby’s birth/womb experience can also be included during the debriefing. (Please see in My Services, Baby’s Birth Experience for more information).



Session Time:

2 Hours approx.

Bonding with Baby

Bonding with your Baby

Conscious bonding with your baby pre-conception, conception, pregnancy and birth. Your baby is a sentient conscious being and wants nothing more than to be connected to you. Learn how to have a relationship that creates secure attachment.

Early parenting co-creates a safe deep communication between the two of you that can mitigate birth trauma and other prenatal/perinatal challenges you both might experience and support and nourish your baby’s brain, nervous system and psychological development in an optimal way. This conscious intentional beginning supports your family to thrive and give your baby the best start in life.

Investment Sliding Scale

$110 -$140 p/h

Session Time:

1h Hour

Healing the Past

Healing the Past

Beliefs, experiences and conditioning get passed on intergenerationally. Becoming aware of what these are and then choosing what to keep and what you want to change gives you the power of what you pass on to your children and how you respond as a parent and to life.

When your partner/husband is also conscious of their past it supports them to be a more effective layer of support for you. When you are both aware of triggers that may come from your past it can become less personal and easier to work through your differences, this builds a loving coherency between the two of you and a safe field for your baby to feel nourished in.  This new awareness and understanding supports you to change your family’s lineage for a better future.

This can be done at any stage, is most beneficial pre conception.

Investment Sliding Scale

$110 -$140 p/h

Session Time:

1.5 Hours

Babies Birth Expereince

Healing Birth and Womb Experiences from the Baby's Perspective

If you, the mama had an impactful or traumatic birth, then maybe your baby did too. You both have your own perspective on the experience. Babies are conscious and very sensitive in these early stages and have their own ways of dealing with or expressing what happened for them.  

It may show up as colic, disturbed sleep, feeling unsettled, constant crying, breast feeding/ feeding difficulties, nervous system dysregulation and/or some physical pain that is making them feel uncomfortable.

Thankfully these early ruptures when acknowledged and worked through can be repaired. Babies and children don’t need the perfect birth or parenting, there is no such thing, being present to their feelings so they are seen and heard allows for integration of their experience and helps build resilience. When babies feel understood and attuned to, they feel loved.

Learn how to bond, connect and talk to your baby, supporting them through their own trauma and difficult experiences.

Investment Sliding Scale

$110 -$140 p/h

Session Time:

1-1.5 Hours

Healing Your Own Birth or Womb Experience

Experiences from your own birth or in the womb, set up beliefs and ways of being that shaped your life and who you are today. Experiencing trauma at this time can disconnect you from your true nature and impacts your brain and nervous system wiring them more for fear than homeostasis. It lays down implicit imprints that you aren’t consciously aware of but will feel and act out in your life. Imprinted survival patterns become automatic reactions and ways you express yourself in the world.

Gently and at your own pace connecting somatically and with presence, you become aware of these unconscious ways of being giving you a greater understanding of who you are and why you feel or do certain unexplainable things. Healing these imprints can give you the freedom to be more yourself bringing deeper meaning and purpose to your life.

Investment Sliding Scale

$110 -$140 p/h

Session Time:

2 Hours

Inner Child Healing

Our little one’s within can play havoc with our life when we are adults if their trauma and challenging or impactful experiences haven’t been healed or integrated.  These precious young parts of ourselves can be frozen in time acting as if what they experienced then is happening right now.

Becoming conscious of your little one’s unmet needs and pain and how they act it out and or protect themselves can help you to make sense of feelings or ways of being that you experience in your everyday life, like feeling defensive, angry, sad, feeling stuck, hyper sensitive, deficient, bad, unconfident, needing to be perfect, controlling behaviour, people pleasing, feeling unseen or unheard, being in unfulfilling and difficult relationships, addictions and compulsive behaviours.

Listening with love and empathy to this little one opens up space allowing this part of you to unburden and feel heard, seen and accepted. This creates inner bonding and an attachment relationship to your Self that your little one is desperately needing to feel loved and safe. With ongoing loving communication and holding between you and your little one, in time, healing can take place.

Investment Sliding Scale 

$110 -$140 p/h

Session Time:

1 Hour


Sliding Scale

$110 to $140 per hour

Payment Methods

Payment is on the day of the appointment either cash or internet deposit

*I do NOT have eftpos or credit card facilities.

Cancellation & Postponement Policy

– Please give 48 hours’ notice by txt, phone or email if you need to postpone or cancel an appointment.

– By making an appointment with me you agree that a 50% cancellation fee will be charged if less than 24 hours’ notice is given, same day cancellations will incur a full charge.

– Missed appointments will also incur full charge


Please be aware that Gently Held is not a substitute for professional medical care by a qualified doctor or other health care professional. Always check with your doctor if you have any concerns about your condition or treatment. Nothing contained in this site is intended to be used as medical advice and is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical, psychological or psychiatric illness or condition, you should consult a medical, psychological or psychiatric professional in the first instance.

Talking therapies may give information or guidance that could bring about positive change and such information or guidance is given for the client to consider. Although the therapist will be supportive and helpful as possible in all decision making and change processes, any resulting choices and changes made by the client do remain the personal and legal responsibility of the client.

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